I looked out the window and noticed a giant poster of Bruce Lee. It turns out that there is a huge

Joe got a chance to see Master Sui's tea making prowess and try the highest grade tea made. We had Dahongpao 大红袍, which is the finest grade of Wulongcha 乌龙茶 harvested in the Spring. Spring and Fall being the optimal times for tea harvesting. Summer teas are inferior grade. We were surprised to see that Master Sui has a lot of very interesting new musical instruments in his collection. After his trip to New York, he went to Yunan province where he saw and old man playing an unusual instrument that looked like a gourd on top of three pipes, it is called a Hulusi 葫芦丝. After just hearing the old man play for a brief period, Master Sui gave it a try and played exceptionally well. The old man was shocked and exclaimed "you played much better than my students that hav
Then it was time for practice. While we were stretching, I noticed that Master Sui's wife and another woman were practicing some Daoyin 导引 (Qigong) exercises that I had never seen before. I later found out that she was practicing some of the Bodhidharma's Yi Jin Jing 易筋经 exercises. He only selects specific Yi Jin Jing postures that aren't already present in our forms and other Daoyin exercises. Next time around, we'll need to study some of those with him. We then started practicing Titui 踢腿 and learned some new variations, finer points that we had missed before, and a couple new moves such as the double leg jump. Master Sui then showed us some new linear Meihuazhuang stance drills that are really high difficulty that he wanted Delmar in particular to practice at least ten times every day. One of the drills consists of going from a standing position (Shun Stance 顺势) and then sinking deep into a drop stance and then coming back up again. While transitioning from the drop stance to the Shun Stance, you have to scrape your fist on the ground with a move called "Plowing Through the Mountain."
We then practiced the Meihuazhuang form and started to learn some new variations such as incorporation of the drop stance, modifications and clarifications on transitions, and new variations of movements that we had never seen before. For example, the backfist into crossover stance can be done either advancing or retreating, you can do two in a row, you can add a kick at the end, and you can also do a shoulder roll on the ground to go back where you came from. I asked Master Sui about the proper form for the bottom hand with the Grinding the Millstone Palm 推磨掌 posture and he reminded me of the second song in Li Ziming's book Liang Zhenpu Eight Diagram Palm, "First pile up the rear elbow to have the elbow hiding heart. Then the hand turns and drops to follow forward. Follow the anterior elbow with a holding power, The anterior hand and posterior hand in a group of spirits." Before going to China, I told Joe that there would be students from all over the world there and many of them train with Master Sui on a daily basis. We would be the only Americans and would have to properly represent team USA by at least making a serious effort. Joe took this to heart and promised that even if he couldn't do the moves perfectly, he would put 110% effort into it. He was true to his word because by the end of the first day of practice his shirt was caked from top to bottom in a huge swath of salt crystals! It turns out he is really worth his salt!
After going back for tea for a while, Joe and I went to the famous restaurant where Delmar and Heath tried the fish eyes. Sure enough, they recommended fish as one of their trademark dishes and showed us the living fish in a bag before cooking it for us. Also, I ordered a number of other dishes including Chicken. I hadn't paid much attention to the name of the chicken dish until I realized when it came what I had ordered. When it came, there was a huge pile of the same boney body part, I immediately realized what it was and laughed out loud. Joe knew something was wrong, but I declined to specify what part of the chicken it was. It wasn't until we were finished eating that I later told him it was Chicken butts! As for the fish Joe volunteered to eat one of the eyes and convinced me to try it too. It basically tasted like fish and was really chewy, nothing really that special.
After we had some time to digest, we went to a 24 hour massage place that we went to back in 2006. The prices are reasonable and the staff is very professional. We got the Tuina 推拿 Chinese acupressure massage. It can be quite painful during the massage, but you feel much better afterwards. A couple days later, I made the mistake of getting a Guasha 刮痧 scraping massage in which they scrape your back with a hard object or their knuckles over and over again. My back was purple and painful for days as a result. Speaking of massage, Master Sui gave some instructions on basic Tuina massage I should do on my bone spur every day. He said that surgery on bone spurs is a waste of time because they'll always grow right back, but he said that I use the Tuina method he prescribed, I should be able to heal it myself. I've been doing the Tuina on my ankle every since and it's definitely improved a lot since.
Saturday, Joe and I went to see the Olympic National Stadium (Bird Nest) and the Water Cube. We took a couple of new subway lines to get there. Beijing has many new subway lines including one to the airport. The Bird Nest was absolutely massive and the intricate design was very impressive from an engineering standpoint. During practice, Master Sui showed us a great deal more detail about the basic Bagua transitions for Dingshi Bazhang. He demonstrated how he moved his Dantian for the Dog Shakes his Back and Hold the Ball moves. He demonstrated applications for Lion Rolls the Ball, Hold the Ball, and Dragon Coils Around the Pillar. For example, the Lion Rolls the Ball palm can be striking to the body with both palms at different locations, and then when blocked, the hands can be quickly switched to change the angle and location of attack. The Hold the Spear posture has been further refined, and this will be something I'll need to teach all my Bagua students. He explained that Chuanzhang 穿掌 in our style is called Walongzhang 瓦垄掌 which means Tiled Roof Palm. The middle finger is now the top pillar of the tiled roof.
Later that evening, my fellow Bagua brother Shitian 石田浩士 (Kouji Ishida) came later than evening and we all went over to a Qinghai 青海 style restaurant. The proprietors of the restaurant were Muslim and the cuisine was Islamic Qinghai food. The waitresses wore black head dresses over their heads. The food was very reminiscent of Uighur food with a lot of Cumin flavored meat on shish kebabs. Master Sui said that their mutton and meat in general only is sourced and prepared based on their unique standards, which he said were superior that those of the Chinese. I believe he may be referring to the Halal food standards. In addition to copious amounts of mutton, he insisted that we each have two lamb kidneys. This would be the beginning of many kidneys we ate over the coming week. When Brittany came, she described the function and anatomy of the kidney, but by the time she came to visit, we were already experts on the subject. That night we also had assorted organ casserole that included heart, liver, lung, kidney, and I didn't want to know what else.
On Sunday, Shitian, Joe, and I went to the trusty weapons store next to Tiyu Daxue, the Physical Education University. We bought all kinds of stuff including uniforms, shoes, videos, tassels, daggers, a whip, and I got a giant Bagua broadsword. During practice, we got to meet some of the Italian contingent such as Giacamo and Danny. Joe had many chances to speak Italian. Giacamo was kind enough to show us nuances of Titui, a new transition for Big Stance 大势, and the entire form including a map he drew in the dirt. He also showed us some interesting applications of the Butterfly palm, though the Chinese name is totally different Simendou 四闷斗, which translates as four cover/seal fight, "men" means to cover tightly or seal. On the subject of butterfly palm, it turns out the butterfly kick can also use butterfly palms to generate power. Whenever I get a chance, I also ask Master Sui self defense questions. This time around, I asked what to do if someone grabs your leg and starts to lift you high in the air to slam you. He had me try to grab his leg and lift him and he immediately put me in a guillotine choke and sunk his Qi which felt like a ton of lead pulling me down. He encouraged me to try and lift him up, but the choke only sunk in deeper and I started to cough and gasp for air. I started to feel light headed and my body kind of collapsed and I my legs sprawled out like a frog and everybody laughed. He eased up on the choke before I completely passed out and pulled me up. He also demonstrated that he could punch to the ribs or elbow to the spine from that position.
After we had some time to digest, we went to a 24 hour massage place that we went to back in 2006. The prices are reasonable and the staff is very professional. We got the Tuina 推拿 Chinese acupressure massage. It can be quite painful during the massage, but you feel much better afterwards. A couple days later, I made the mistake of getting a Guasha 刮痧 scraping massage in which they scrape your back with a hard object or their knuckles over and over again. My back was purple and painful for days as a result. Speaking of massage, Master Sui gave some instructions on basic Tuina massage I should do on my bone spur every day. He said that surgery on bone spurs is a waste of time because they'll always grow right back, but he said that I use the Tuina method he prescribed, I should be able to heal it myself. I've been doing the Tuina on my ankle every since and it's definitely improved a lot since.
Later that evening, my fellow Bagua brother Shitian 石田浩士 (Kouji Ishida) came later than evening and we all went over to a Qinghai 青海 style restaurant. The proprietors of the restaurant were Muslim and the cuisine was Islamic Qinghai food. The waitresses wore black head dresses over their heads. The food was very reminiscent of Uighur food with a lot of Cumin flavored meat on shish kebabs. Master Sui said that their mutton and meat in general only is sourced and prepared based on their unique standards, which he said were superior that those of the Chinese. I believe he may be referring to the Halal food standards. In addition to copious amounts of mutton, he insisted that we each have two lamb kidneys. This would be the beginning of many kidneys we ate over the coming week. When Brittany came, she described the function and anatomy of the kidney, but by the time she came to visit, we were already experts on the subject. That night we also had assorted organ casserole that included heart, liver, lung, kidney, and I didn't want to know what else.
On Sunday, Shitian, Joe, and I went to the trusty weapons store next to Tiyu Daxue, the Physical Education University. We bought all kinds of stuff including uniforms, shoes, videos, tassels, daggers, a whip, and I got a giant Bagua broadsword. During practice, we got to meet some of the Italian contingent such as Giacamo and Danny. Joe had many chances to speak Italian. Giacamo was kind enough to show us nuances of Titui, a new transition for Big Stance 大势, and the entire form including a map he drew in the dirt. He also showed us some interesting applications of the Butterfly palm, though the Chinese name is totally different Simendou 四闷斗, which translates as four cover/seal fight, "men" means to cover tightly or seal. On the subject of butterfly palm, it turns out the butterfly kick can also use butterfly palms to generate power. Whenever I get a chance, I also ask Master Sui self defense questions. This time around, I asked what to do if someone grabs your leg and starts to lift you high in the air to slam you. He had me try to grab his leg and lift him and he immediately put me in a guillotine choke and sunk his Qi which felt like a ton of lead pulling me down. He encouraged me to try and lift him up, but the choke only sunk in deeper and I started to cough and gasp for air. I started to feel light headed and my body kind of collapsed and I my legs sprawled out like a frog and everybody laughed. He eased up on the choke before I completely passed out and pulled me up. He also demonstrated that he could punch to the ribs or elbow to the spine from that position.
I was so excited to show off my new giant Baguadao (broadsword) to Master Sui, only to learn from him that the real Baguadao were the same size as regular broadswords. He reminded us that all real Bagua weapons were something that could easily be concealed or at least easy to carry and kept a low profile. The original broadswords needed to be highly portable and could be quickly drawn from your belt. He said, over the years larger Bagua swords evolved as a way to train Kungfu, in other words as a training tool to develop strength. He said that ideally, when you hold the sword vertically at your side, the tip shouldn't be lower than the bottom of your ear and not higher than the top of your ear. My new sword goes about a foot over my head and I'm 6' 4"! He also said that there are a lot of modern Baguadao forms out there, but he believes only th
Monday was the big day Joe and I went to the Great Wall, so this was the only day we took off from practice. There is a brand new Beijing North Train Station 北京北站right next to the subway station at Xizhimen 西直门, so we decided to tak
Once we got up there, we got lost for a while and went to the wrong section. I wanted to try a
Later that day, back at practice, another one of my Italian Meihuazhuang brothers, Giuseppe came to practice. His name means Joseph in Italian. He was kind enough to teach us a new conditioning drill 手套. It was quite complex, but had a lot of good fighting techniques. Master Sui taught Shitian and I some important advanced footwork for Bagua fighting. As usual, he explained and demonstrated the move as he attacked me with it. It was hard to catch, but the gist of it was blocking, turning the body 180 and counter striking all in one step. From that position you can continue to circle around the opponent and/or counter attack. I also asked Master Sui about how to defend against a knife attack using Baguazhang. He gave a couple of excellent examples of how to combine Bagua palms and footwork to quickly evade and disarm an opponent either thrusting forwards or stabbing overhead with a knife. He then taught us three different attacks from the Black Dragon Shakes His Tail 乌龙摆尾.
Wednesday Shitian, Joe, and I went to
My student from Winthrop University, Brittany happened to be attending the International Scholar Laureate program in China and this was the only day that she had a chance to meet Master Sui. I told her to meet us at the Beijing Exhibition Center since it's a huge landmark and we practice right behind it. Master Sui was teaching me some very valuable information about the Baguadao, so I dispatched Joe to meet Brittany. Though they had never met before, I need they would find each other because she has red hair and his has blond. The chances of there being that many other red head and blonds at that

Thursday was overcast and threatening to rain all day. We made it through Titui, but then it really started to rain cats and dogs. For the first time in my life, I saw Master Sui put on a jacket and he actually told us that we would cancel practice because he was afraid that we American students would catch a cold and get quarantined at the airport out of fear that we had Swine Flu. Normally, we practice regardless of the weather, even flaming meteorites wouldn't normal

That night, since it was his last night in China, we sent Shitian off with a fun evening of Karaoke. We managed to find some fun English songs. I was able to sing a few Chinese songs. We found a Japanese song for Shitian sung by the famous singer Deng Lijun, but it quickly turned into Chinese characters, so he asked me to try it. I'd never heard the song in my life, but I was able to catch the basic rhythm so I faked my way though it. Shitian said he was impressed with how well I sang it and couldn't believe I'd never heard the song before.
Friday was our last day of practice, so we wanted to get a lot of stuff in and Joe and been lob bying all be to get a beat down by Master Sui. I ke pt telling him that a Master Sui beatdown isn't something you would even want to wish on your enemy much less on yourself. Meanwhile, I still hadn't had a chance to ask Master Sui about the defense on the last two sections of the Bagua 64 palms. Also, I wanted to try and get a little more in with the Bagua broadsword. Master Sui demonstrated the basic principals for the defense of sections seven and eight of the 64, but he heavily emphasized that the two person form once perfected should eventually practiced with improvisation and not always follow scripted moves. He said that the most important thing was to spar and to generally experiment with the 64 moves and all Bagua techniques for that matter in unscripted, uncooperative scenarios. The term he used was Zhengxueluanshi, which roughly translated means to learn something in its entirety and then improvising/experimenting with the applications. He also demonstrated the fighting poem Ren lai wo zou, ren bu lai wo jiao lai 人来我走, 人不来我叫来. This means if someone attacks, I evade (and counter) but if they won't make a move, I make them attack. He then taught me some more moves from the Baguadao form.
We then practiced some Meihuazhuang Chengquan (one step sparring moves). Danny showed us some interesting Chengquan combinations and Master Sui then showed potential counters to the moves if they weren't executed properly. Then Joe and I tried to review some of the Chengquan moves I had learned in New York and Sui showed a couple new variations. After we had done the moves a couple times, he wasn't satisfied with the level of intensity and said "this is not a dance, you have to use power!". He then proceeded to demonstrate several different combinations on me with much greater force. I then took his advice and grabbed Joe's leg and flung it upwards just the way Sui had demonstrated. Unexpectedly, Joe disappeared and reappeared some distance behind me face down in the hard dirt. It turns out I had flipped him head over heals and he landed nose first on the hard, gravel-strewn dirt. He was dazed and took a few beats to collect himself. He said he could taste blood and the top of his nose was rapidly turning purple, but he said he didn't think he'd broken anything. Master Sui asked if he was OK. I said he was a little shaken up and might get a bloody nose, but should be OK. After applying some antiseptic, we went back to practice for bit, but this time we did things slowmo. Anyway, Joe ended up getting the beat down and bruises he was wanting, little did we know I would be the one administering it instead of Master Sui. I guess it was the dance speach that instigated it. The good news is that he didn't break anything and his bruises healed in a few days.
Kudos to Joe for taking time out of his own practice to video Master Sui and I. He would often hold stances while video taping or even practice some moves with the camera in hand during down time.
After practice was over, Master Sui said he had to leave early to visit with the Sanda champion of Xinjiang Province, so we didn't have the customary tea. He wished us well and welcomed us to come back to China next year to train with him again.
Here's a photo of Shitian walking the circle nice and low and slow, the way it's supposed to be. He spent most of our 3-4 hour practices walking the circle like this. He's only interested in perfecting his Kung Fu, not fancy moves or forms.
1 comment:
The pictures took before 紫禁城 are amazing.
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